Public Sector

Public Sector

BDO Bahamas has provided assurance and accounting services to numerous public sector entities throughout its existence, and has a wealth of experience in the sector.

BDO Bahamas is a part of one of the world’s largest audit and advisory networks, BDO offers the full range of professional services combined with the ability to manage international, multidisciplinary teams. All provided by dedicated Public sector teams with experience in delivering exceptional client service to various institutions.

By combining our deep understanding of the sector and its stakeholders with  specialised technical, process oriented and analytical skills, BDO can contribute to both improved management and control, as well as to organisational and service development, quality enhancement, and efficiency improvements.

BDO’s Government & Public Sector practice serves clients across many levels of government, including regional, state and local, drawing on deep experience to provide strategic and innovative solutions. Supported by an integrated global network, we also help government leaders and international organisations develop tailored strategies and implement practical solutions that make the most of their limited resources.



George Clifford Culmer

Senior Partner
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